Move On
Time passes fast, but things are hardly making any sense around me. I almost can’t stand this habitual, routine life. It’s exactly like some scenes that I saw on the television, where all things around you started flowing in a haste while you are standing right in the middle. Everything fleets past and you can’t catch a single. I read about the mental disorder called chrono-displacement. People who have it always wake up in a random place, at a random time, some being naked. What a trouble it is to shuttle back and forth in history and confuse ourselves about whom we really are.
However, being fixed to one point can be equally horrific.
Time passes freaking fast. I mean this fact is really freaky and scary to me. While you hadn’t gotten the time to apply a force, acceleration already reached a maximum. You just woke up from bed in the last minute, now you’re doing your kinematics tutorial in the dark night. Meanwhile, all you feel is that life has gone back to the same as yesterday. No. I’m totally not talking about chrono-displacement. It feels like I’m stuck at the one point in time.
Sometimes there’s a cry from the hollow self, but after all, who’s gonna hear it? When they travel through time, who’s gonna see the transparent me? After all at the moment when we part, I will be forgotten.
I was there, and I’m still here, being completely ignored and left out by time.
I surely can’t think that every single thing ignores me and just passes by. There are people who I love, and fortunately enough they always love me back. =) I believe that’s good enough.
I know that eventually things will make a change. Perhaps before I step away from this point, I will try to remember what I have.
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