Thursday, March 22, 2007

08 April 1994: Kurt Cobain killed himself today.
The 27-year-old rock star had a single gunshot wound to the head. A gun and suicide note were found nearby.
Who needs the world when I've got you?
Switch off the sun and stars and the moon.







優雅 冷靜 努力



i had not known that the word 'emo' contained such depressive meanings until i read an article on the news the other day.
im fine with emo being a subculture.
some people are actually introverted but so emotional inside, and are going/have gone through a great deal of pains.
and i seemed to be one of such victims.
the angst all came to an end at some point so im more of a happy person these days.
im not understanding why many 15-yr-olds (even 12yrolds according to the newspaper) are pretending to be suicidal and self-harm.
invariably, once something becomes fashion, it must be blindly followed by tons of people.
teenagers mutilate themselves to be cool. emotions become fad. SAD and STUPID.
even real 'emo kids' should try to help themself out of it and move on to the positive half of their life axes. eventually i learned that emotions don't control us but our minds do.
we commemorate the pains by listening to music or doodling on a paper but that's only because the pains are gone.
so don't get stuck in this whole thing kids, especially when u can live comfortably in a developed and civilized society. u have no idea how lucky u are. appreciate it.

im bored, and im happy. =)

House meeting was no good. Honestly i hate teaching cheers. Jason! HELP!! =D


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

今天我去剪头发, 结果给我剪的四十岁老男人调戏一个幼儿园的小朋友....

>: 你应该怎么叫她啊?
<: ......姐姐
>: 你要叫我什么啊?
<: ......
>: 你要叫我didi~
[姐姐]: 神经病...
>: 所以你要叫什么啊?
<: ......didi.
>: 哈哈 叫错了吧. 你应该叫我 gor gor.
[姐姐]: 你都生两个孩子了还叫gor gor?!
>: 所以你叫我什么啊?
<: ......gor gor.
>: 哈哈又叫错了! 你不能叫我gor gor. 你应该叫我爸爸.
<: ...... (他是爸爸meh? 不是在医院把我生出来的才是爸爸?? )
>: 你叫我什么啊? 爸爸还是gor gor?
<: ...... ...... ...... (小声) 爸爸.
>: 你怎么能叫我爸爸? 我不是你爸爸我是gor gor 啦~
<: ......
>: 完了, 你太blur了. 我不是你爸爸. 爸爸只有一个. 跟妈妈睡觉的才是爸爸.
<: 哦...
>: 所以你叫我什么?
<: gor gor.
>: 对啦. 你去妈妈的bedroom看到那个男的就知道, 哦~那个才是爸爸.
<: ...... 哦.
