Wednesday, September 28, 2005

-LOVE- 一直很喜欢的一个东西,站在plaza sin的fish&co.前面,路上被我拍下来,从车的二层。

the thinker...
KiLL WiLL vol.01以前是运动型,现在是智能型

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Our Spirits Travel from Here to Eternity

"I'm Sean.You'll be making a big mistake if you marry him."
"I don't want you to bother me again."
Sean collapsed in the symphony....
and that gave me a thrill...
"Have you ever made love to a girl?Are you ready for that?"
"......You'd be the first."
"I'm not your stupid son anymore."
"I've got a plan.We'll run away togerther.In 11 years,you'll turn 21,and then we'll get married."
"Sorry.I'm not Sean,because I love you."
The boy is in love with Anna,but Sean was in love with someone else.
Truth is accidentally unravelled by this 10-year-old,who has been indulged in his own thoughts.
Emotions run deeper than the supernatural,
They made it unnecessary
To bother how the boy,named Sean,should know everything.
Like what he said,"Do you know what deja vu is?."
Some love is so flimsy
That a man could start cheating his wife not long after the wedding
But some love lasts for so long until ever...
"Maybe I'll see you in another lifetime."

+:Big Fish:+:Ava's Man:+
I love both stories.
Edward Bloom and Charlie Bundrum
Both do things which they think to be right
Both upholding their sound/not-very-sound values in life
They both made a big difference in their respective lives
They had probably long been packed up by history
Forgotten by offsprings--Son for Edward,Grandson for Charlie
But they never are
They are the symbols of a time
At the same time,They lived out of it
They will exist and preserve the vanishing culture, for a longer time
When they lived,
They did whatever they could to achive what they believed
Fealessly,and even shamelessly
Eventually when they passed, they didn't leave much, but stories
They stories are told by me to you,and then you to someone else,and then to another
Second-hand,third-hand,and fourth-hand,fifth-hand,never-ending
It's not a matter how they're told
As long as they are told and remembered
Matters would worth so little
When you discover the inner spirit in yourself
Because spirit lives until ETERNITY

Thursday, September 15, 2005








your posting is very inspiring.must thank you for sharing with me,and hope you will also like mine.your words captured a lot of my feelings at that first i only wanted to say something in your xanga but that comment link somehow wasn't i decided to put up a posting of my own so that everybody including you can come and share.i still don't think i have expressed the thoughts that well.simply,i was very much stunned by the attack.i went to NY in August and that was only 1month before the attack.totally terrified i was at that moment,and there's always something inside there which really can't be expressed through my words,even though i put it in Chinese.maybe im fairly deprived in language.anyway everybody reading this entry can try to empathize a little bit and understand the feelings of mine,and maybe of a lot more people in the world.=)


Thursday, September 08, 2005










Sunday, September 04, 2005

J.Will's All Grown Up

Have u ever seen him dressed like this? he's all grown up...he's gonna be very different...i expected this about 2years ago...i knew Shaquille would love to play with somebody like J'...definitely rather than it just happened...and the whole thing is really amazing to me...Jason is turning 30 in a few's time for him to make things how Jason Kidd did a couple of years ago...he had even known Shaq before he got drafted by this is kinda fated...they're supposed to play together...n'this combination will be absolutely explosive...i can't wait to see.

:::+:ETHER:+::: dear 4c...

Although the decoration at the back is not so fabulous..i still have to lOve u guys....
but why is everyone this blur? i'm not saying 'bout the pixel...we did look really bur....


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Rain Man

Charlie finally unravelled that fraternity that had been hidden within...

"Never Hurt Charlie Babbit...Never Hurt Charlie Babbit..."


"Raymond,do you wanna live with your brother Charlie?"



新浪体育讯 北京时间8月3日消息,NBA史上最大规模交易即将诞生,这一交易涉及了5队13名球员,主角是凯尔特人的沃克,他将前往热队。热队还将从灰熊得到贾森-威廉姆斯和小前锋詹姆斯-波希,灰熊队将得到热队的埃迪-琼斯。黄蜂和爵士也参与了交易。

