Tuesday, November 29, 2005


"Introverted children enjoy the internal world of thoughts, feelings and fantasies, and there's a physiological reason for this. Researchers using brain scans have found introverts have more brain activity in general, and specifically in the frontal lobes. When these areas are activated, introverts are energized by retrieving long-term memories, problem solving, introspection, complex thinking and planning. "
"Introverted children need time alone more than do extroverted children, says Laney, whose book, The Hidden Gifts of the Introverted Child, is due in January. 'Extroverts gain energy by being out and about,' but 'being with people takes energy from introverts, and they need to get away to restore that energy.'"
"Laney says introverted kids also behave differently. "
"They're not slow, inattentive or shy. Shyness is behavior that may diminish as children grow; introversion is a character trait that lasts. "


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