Saturday, May 13, 2006


Okay,as more than one people requested,i'm writing this entry in English. I'm not too good in English, so u gotta be prepared to bear with my grammatical errors,spelling errors,expression errors,parallax errors,random and systematic errors.I posted those entries in Chinese basically because I couldn't get the feel to express my emotions in a foreign language that i just started speaking no longer than 3 years that i wouldn't sound could have possibly ended up pretty lame.

urmm..a few things to announce:

(1) This is 'a bit' late to say.As the whole world already know,XIA HAN is the House Captain of Lynx this year. (-.-")...ahem..anyway I was very surprised by the results.Totally,I didn't expect to become captain or anything.I just wanted to get in and didn't think that far,and until now,I still have no idea what a captain is supposed to do.Also,really sad for Daniel and Felicia..They could've become really good house comms..and I even expected Daniel to become a captain...I read his blog just idea whether he's gonna see this entry.He's such a great pal to work and play with..and Felicia too,we all know how much effort u put into the cheerleading one can be a better house leader than u.u just screwed up a speech,that's all *oOps*
anyway,I will remember the good times we had.the voters just don't know more than that 3 minutes of cheerleading (20 minutes for A-Q-U-I-L-A,hehe)
of course i must congratulate the other 3 house comm. members: Jason,Weishan,Zhao Hong =) Well done for y'all!! But still, 6 of us are forever house comm. nominees. As the CAPTAIN *clear throat*,I hereby urge all of you to 使出吃奶的力气 work together for Lynx, and be really cool~ haha.Hope we can have a pledge for invetiture: We,the house committee members of VJC,pledge to become...really cool,really funny,really,realy...urghh..really cheenah and nerdy =D
All the best guys! We have bright future =) Daniel and Weishan: Kick some balls in ur semi-finals --"
Oh yeah..lastly,how the hell can I forget about the whole 06S53 + Charles from S52,who kept shouting my name however whenever and wherever they wanted..Thank you guys =)

(2) My dear hostel friend,our revered CT rep,Xiaoyun's Da Niu,has opened his blog:

Haha..Go down and support!!no matter u know him or not..because he's such a nice friend.He's very cool too.He went fishing with another guy at 3 am on Friday.
(3) -I'm watching Band of Brothers for the second time.It's really cool~
-I bought DeathNote 9,10. Kira's father died,and...well that's all I can remember...
-I'm going to the Chinese Drama Night with the CL ppl. from the class..heard the show
was gonna be nice,lots of friends on stage..interesting.
-I watched a DVD called "Monster-in-Law" yesterday..quite a waste of time..bad show..
J.Lo's got a pretty smile.
- Listening to Jason Mraz all day long......
(4) Softball: [Guys] Victoria 5-1 HCI
[Girls] Victoria 9-5 RJC
touching games......
(5) Studying Ecomonics...It's getting my head feel like bloated..

Last but not least, WHO THE HELL IS EGG?! Come and report to me!!



oN 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous tOLd us...

xy's daniu! tts damn cute :)

oN 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous tOLd us...

captain xia han...;)

oN 10:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous tOLd us...

haha,our chinese drama nite did not disappoint you,right?


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